Carmen Red Granite, Baltic Red Granite, Kamen Red Granite, Finland Stone, Finland Granite
Carmen Red Granite, Baltic Red Granite, Kamen Red Granite, Finland Stone, Finland Granite
Material Type: Granite
Origin:Finland (Virolahti, Vilkkilä )
Priamry Color(s): Red
Recommended Usage:Countertops, monuments, mosaic, exterior - interior wall and floor applications, fountains, pool and wall capping, stairs, window sills
Additional Names:Carmen Rot Granit,Red Carmen Granite,Rojo Carmen Granite,Rosso Carmen Granite,Diamond Red Granite,Virolahden Punainen,Virolahti Red Granite,In China Stone Market:红钻(Hóng Zuān),卡门红(Kǎmén Hóng)
Water Absorption:0.14 - 0.42 weight-%
Density:2630 kg/m3
Flexural Strength:9.5 - 11.8 MPa
Compressive Strength:123 - 176 MPa
Technical properties
EN_13755 Water absorption 0.1 %
EN_1936 Apparent density 2630 kg/m3
EN_12372 Flexural strenght 11.8 Mpa
EN_12371 Frost resistance, change of flexural strenght* 0.0 %
EN_1926 Compressive strenght 176 Mpa
EN_14157 Abrasion resistance 16 mm
EN_13364 Breaking load at dowel hole 2450 N
* after 48 cycles
Mineral content
Values according to new EN-12407 standard.
Quartz 42.4 Wt %
K-feldspar 37.8 Wt %
Plagioclase 16.0 Wt %
Biotite 2.9 Wt %
Accessory minerals 1.0 Wt %
Material Type: Granite
Origin:Finland (Sippola, Ruotila, Anjalankoski, Virolahti )
Priamry Color(s): Red
Recommended Usage:Countertops, monuments, mosaic, exterior - interior wall and floor applications, fountains, pool and wall capping, stairs, window sills
Additional Names:Karelian Rosa Granite,Baltic Rot Granit,Baltik Red Granite,Baltik Rot Granit,Rapakiwi-Granit Rot,Rosso Baltico Granite,Karelian Red Granite,Rosso Karelia Granite,Rosso Carelia Granite,Karelien Rot Granit,Karelia Red a Granite,Karelia Red Ac Granite,Lundhs Karelia Red Granite,Carmen Red Granite,Karmen Red Granite,Virolahti Red Granite,In China Stone Market:红钻(卡门红)(Hóng Zuān (Kǎmén Hóng))
Water Absorption:0.1 by weight %
Density:2630 kg/m3
Flexural Strength:10.9 - 11.8 MPa
Compressive Strength:176.0 MPa
The texture of this non-foliated deep red granite is coarse-grained, and characteristic to its appearance are the individual, relatively large, usually round potash feldspar crystals ranging from 15 to 40 mm in diameter. All interior and outdoor uses.
Mineralogical compositionTechnical properties
EN_13755 Water absorption 0.1 %
EN_1936 Apparent density 2630 kg/m3
EN_12372 Flexural strenght 11.8 Mpa
EN_12371 Frost resistance, change of flexural strenght* 0.0 %
EN_1926 Compressive strenght 176 Mpa
EN_14157 Abrasion resistance 16 mm
EN_13364 Breaking load at dowel hole 2450 N
* after 48 cycles
Mineral content
Values according to new EN-12407 standard.
Quartz 42.4 Wt %
K-feldspar 37.8 Wt %
Plagioclase 16.0 Wt %
Biotite 2.9 Wt %
Accessory minerals 1.0 Wt %
Material Type: Granite
Origin:Finland (Sippola,Ruotila, Anjalankoski-Virolahti )
Priamry Color(s): Red
Recommended Usage:Countertops, monuments, mosaic, exterior - interior wall and floor applications, fountains, pool and wall capping, stairs, window sills
Additional Names:Baltic Rot Granit,Baltik Red Granite,Baltik Rot Granit,Rapakiwi-Granit Rot,Rosso Baltico,Karelian Red Granite,Karelia Red Granite,Rosso Karelia Granite,Rosso Carelia Granite,Granit Karelien Rot,Red Baltic Granite
Water Absorption:0.24 by weight %
Density:2580 kg/m3
Flexural Strength:10.9 MPa
Compressive Strength:179 MPa
Mineralogical composition
Orthoclase (alkali feldspar):52%
Material Type: Granite
Origin:Finland (Museotie 735, Ravijoki, Virolahti)
Priamry Color(s): Red
Recommended Usage:Exterior - Interior wall and floor applications, coluntertops, mosaic, fountains, pool and wall capp
Additional Names:Baltic Rot Granit,Baltik Red,Baltik Rot,Rapakiwi-Granit Rot,Rosso Baltico,Karelian Red,Karelia Red,Rosso Karelia,Rosso Carelia,Karelien Rot Granite
Water Absorption:0.18 %
Density:2630 kg/m3
Flexural Strength:8.91 MPa
Compressive Strength:191 MPa
The texture of this non-foliated deep red granite is coarse-grained, and characteristic to its appearance are the individual, relatively large, usually round potash feldspar crystals ranging from 20 to 50 mm in diameter. All interior and outdoor uses.
Mineralogical composition
Orthoclase (alkali feldspar):52%
Contact: Charles Sun
Phone: 13884656142
Wechat: +86-13884656142
Add: Zuocun Industrial Area, Laizhou, Shandong, China